The New World

Monday, November 19, 2007

Global Warming is not a myth or a made up fact. It is a real threat which will impact each and every one of us in one way or another. Everything right from our daily life to the way that organizations run business depends on it and will be impacted. If we keep quiet and stay calm, it is us that would be affected by the events which will follow. Here is where the New World comes in to the picture. LIBA’s New World plans to bring about a total change of attitude and awareness among the b-school students who in the future will be among the most influential decision makers. The time has come to act now, or it will be too late..........

Some Facts:

 India may be a long way from melting polar ice caps, but its economy will be among the worst affect on account of climate change.
 According to a report by Lehman Brothers, India’s GDP would dip by 5% for every two degree temperature rise.
 Agricultural productivity would also be affected as monsoons will be short with intense bursts.
 Water supply would also suffer because of lesser snowfall in the Himalayas, which provide water for 40% of the world’s population.
 The effect on GDP will be non-linear. Initially, every 2 degree rise in temperature would result in a 3% dip in global GDP. The next 2 degrees would do even more damage to the economy.
 However for India the effects are likely to be much more harmful. For every 2 degree rise in temperature the effect on GDP is 5% and for the next 6 degrees it would be 15-16%.

It is just the beginning, not the end!